Joe Campbell

Joe Campbell

Joe earned a Master of Science degree in Environment and Natural Resources from The Ohio State University with a Graduate Minor in Rural Sociology and spent the last year as an an AmeriCorps*VISTA Volunteer with the Appalachian Coal Country Watershed Team. This organization is a regional non-profit that works across Appalachia to provide rural communities impoverished by environmental degradation and its consequences the help they need to make their home-place watersheds healthier places to live and work.  Currently, Joe is completing his IPPRS coursework and will be starting his doctoral research in the Spring.  Joe is active in the School of Environment and Natural Resources GradRoots organization most recently serving as a reviewer for their minigrants competition.  Joe has also served as a trip advisor for the Buck-I-Serve organization and in 2011 he will be a participant in the Urban Land Instititute's Gerald D. Hines competition.

Summary of Accomplishments

Publications (submitted or in preparation)

Comp, T.A., Fehr, J. and Campbell, J.T. 2011.  "Volunteers for Rural Watersheds 2.5-Year Report." The OSM/VISTA Teams:  Appalachian Coal Country Team and Western Hardrock Watershed Team.

Campbell, Joseph T., Tomas M. Koontz, and Joseph E. Bonnell.  In press.  "Does Collaboration Promote Grassroots Behavior Change?  Farmer Adoption of Best Management Practices in Two Watersheds."  Society and Natural Resources.


Campbell, J.T. "Does Collaboration Promote Grassroots Behavior Change?  Farmer Adoption of Best Management Practices in Two Watersheds."  Water Management Association of Ohio Conference.  November 2009.

Campbell, J.T. "Volunteers for Rural Watersheds."  Hope and Hardwork Conference:  Building Capacity in Appalachian Coal Country, October 2009.

Campbell, J.T.  "Getting Volunteers and Maybe Some Money Too."  Western Hardrock Watershed Team Bi-Annual Conference.  October 2009.

Campbell, J.T.  "Engaging Rural Volunteers."  West Virginia Faces of Leadership Conference.  July 2009.


Campbell, J.T. "Volunteers for Rural Watersheds."  Water Management Association of Ohio Conference.  November 2009.


To learn more about Joe's accomplishments, visit his curriculum vitae.