
  1. Hartman releases info graphic: "How Consumers Talk About Obesity in America"

    Mar 4, 2013

  2. New undergraduate major in sustainability at Ohio State

    Jun 13, 2012

  3. 2012 Ohio Survey Update

    Apr 26, 2012

    A team of faculty, staff and graduate students are working on the 6th Ohio Survey of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Issues.  The survey seeks to gauge Ohioans' perceptions of issues pertaining to food, agriculture, energy and the environment in the state and tracking these perceptions over time. This year's survey examines local foods and their community dimensions, as well as issues related to the environment and farming such as climate change and food safety.

  4. SRI Highlights Available

    Dec 8, 2011

    To learn more about faculty-affiliate and student happenings, take a look at the Winter edition of our newsletter Highlights.

  5. New Local Foods Distribution Report Available

    Oct 20, 2011

    A new report, "Scaling-up Connections between Regional Ohio Specialty Crop Producers and Local Markets:  Distribution as the Missing Link" published by the Center for Farmland Policy Innovation inventories the existing produce retail-distribution structure to identify opportunities, barriers and development needs associated with increasing the flow of Ohio grown fruits and vegetables to existing retailers and ultimately Ohio consumers.

  6. Former SRI Director Receives Meritorious Service Award

    Mar 7, 2011

    Dr. William L. Flinn retired professor of Rural Sociology and former SRI director received one of the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences Alumni Society's highest honors on Saturday, March 5th.  The Meritorious Service Award recognizes nonalumni or alumni of the college who have been singularly significant in the college's quest for excellence.  Bill noted one of the highlights of his career was working with the Social Responsibility Initiative.  Congratulations Bill and thank you for your service. 

  7. Koontz, Associate Professor in SENR and SRI Affiliate Spends Spring Quarter in Germany

    Feb 23, 2011

    Tom Koontz, Associate Professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and a member of the SRI Executive Council, will be spending spring quarter in Luneburg, Germany.  Tom will be serving as visiting scholar at Leuphana University's research group on governance, participation, and sustainable development.  Tom, who studies collaborative watershed management and water policy, will be collaborating with Prof.

  8. SRI sponsors 32nd Annual Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Conference

    Dec 20, 2010

    The SRI is a sponsor for the annual conference, "Inspiring Farms, Sustaining Communities," which brings together more than 700 food and farming stakeholders interested in learning more about sustainable agriculture, including market gardening, livestock and field crops, soil health, human health, direct marketing, policy issues, and much more.  To learn more visit, OEFFA's website.

  9. USDA Fellows Update

    Nov 8, 2010

    Two fellows, Julia Barton and Rebecca Som Castellano, completed internships as part of their training program with the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Sustainable Agriculture Program.  While at ODA, each had different foci and worked on diverse projects throughout their internships.  To learn more about their experience, visit SRI's latest issue of Highlights.

  10. A New Home for the SRI

    Nov 8, 2010

    The Social Responsibility Initiative (SRI) has a new home. We are pleased to join the School of Environment and Natural Resources.  You can still find us on the web at: or may contact us via phone:  614-688-8798.