Training in Sustainable Sciences through an Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Rural Sociology (IGPRS), Master's Level Fellows
Danielle is from Las Cruces, New Mexico and earned a bachelor's degree in English and anthropology from New Mexico State University. During her undergraduate program, she worked at the campus organic farm called OASIS, studied sustainable farms in Nicaragua, and wrote two undergraduate theses on rural tourism and community-supported agriculture. These experiences sparked her interest in sustainable food production within a sociological context. As a Fellow, Danielle's research focused on the association between a number of sociological variables and degree of concern for farm animal well-being. Data for her thesis research is from a sample of Ohio households and a national sample. In September 2009, Danielle completed her IGPRS training program and completed her thesis. Danielle was awarded a Distinguished University Fellowship from The Graduate School at The Ohio State University to continue her doctoral studies.
Summary of Accomplishments:
Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association, Columbus, OH.
June 2008 - September 2008
"Profiles of Success." Ongoing series in The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Newsletter. Starting 29, 4, Summer 2009. Also published on OEFFA's website:
Deemer, D.R. and L.M. Lobao. 2011. Public Concern with Farm-Animal Welfare: Religion, Politics, and Human Disadvantage in the Food Sector. Rural Sociology. In Press.
Deemer, D.R. 2010. Remaking the North American Food System: Strategies for Sustainability. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 51: 389.
Deemer, D.R. and L.M. Lobao. "Is Human Compassion Finite? Examining Public Concern for the Well-Being of Farm Animals and Workers in the Food Sector by Religiosity and Political Affiliation." Paper presented at the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, August 2010.
Deemer, D.R. "Religion and Consumption: Does Denomination and Religiosity Affect Demand for Labor-Friendly and Animal Welfare-Friendly Products?" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 2009.
Deemer, D.R. and L.M. Lobao. "Ideology, Doctrine and Farm Animal Well-Being: The Influence of Religious Preference and Religiosity on Public Attitudes toward Farm Animal Well-Being." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Manchester, NH, August 2009.
Deemer, Danielle. "Attitudes toward farm animals well-being." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, Madison, WI, July 2009.
Discussant, panel session on "Surviving Graduate School," Ronald E. McNair Visitation Day, The Ohio State University, June 29, 2009.
Organizer and Discussant, panel session on "Sustainable Food Systems: Opportunities for Student Engagement," Social Responsibility Intiative's 2009 Sustainability Institute, The Ohio State University, May 12, 2009.
Treasurer, Students for Food Sovereignty. The Ohio State University. October 2008 to present.
Treasurer, Human and Community Resource Development Graduate Student Association. The Ohio State University. September 2008 to May 2009.
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Rural Sociology (IPPRS), Doctoral Level Fellows
Joe earned a Master of Science degree in Environment and Natural Resources from The Ohio State University with a Graduate Minor in Rural Sociology and spent the last year as an an AmeriCorps*VISTA Volunteer with the Appalachian Coal Country Watershed Team. This organization is a regional non-profit that works across Appalachia to provide rural communities impoverished by environmental degradation and its consequences the help they need to make their home-place watersheds healthier places to live and work. Currently, Joe is completing his IPPRS coursework and will be starting his doctoral research in the Spring. Joe is active in the School of Environment and Natural Resources GradRoots organization most recently serving as a reviewer for their minigrants competition. Joe has also served as a trip advisor for the Buck-I-Serve organization and in 2011 he will be a participant in the Urban Land Instititute's Gerald D. Hines competition.
Summary of Accomplishments
Publications (submitted or in preparation)
Comp, T.A., Fehr, J. and Campbell, J.T. 2011. "Volunteers for Rural Watersheds 2.5-Year Report." The OSM/VISTA Teams: Appalachian Coal Country Team and Western Hardrock Watershed Team.
Campbell, Joseph T., Tomas M. Koontz, and Joseph E. Bonnell. In press. "Does Collaboration Promote Grassroots Behavior Change? Farmer Adoption of Best Management Practices in Two Watersheds." Society and Natural Resources.
Campbell, J.T. "Does Collaboration Promote Grassroots Behavior Change? Farmer Adoption of Best Management Practices in Two Watersheds." Water Management Association of Ohio Conference. November 2009.
Campbell, J.T. "Volunteers for Rural Watersheds." Hope and Hardwork Conference: Building Capacity in Appalachian Coal Country, October 2009.
Campbell, J.T. "Getting Volunteers and Maybe Some Money Too." Western Hardrock Watershed Team Bi-Annual Conference. October 2009.
Campbell, J.T. "Engaging Rural Volunteers." West Virginia Faces of Leadership Conference. July 2009.
Campbell, J.T. "Volunteers for Rural Watersheds." Water Management Association of Ohio Conference. November 2009.
To learn more about Joe's accomplishments, visit his curriculum vitae.
Rebecca Som Castellano received her BA from Western Washington University in 2002 with a self designed major titled "Social Change, Sustainability, and Renewable Food Production." She worked for the following five years in various activities including community garden access and farmers' market management. She received her MA in Sociology from the University of Kentucky in 2009, where her research culminated in a thesis titled "School Lunch Programs and the American Diet: Exploring a Contested Food Terrain." As an IPPRS Fellow, Rebecca has completed her coursework and candidacy exams. She also recently completed an internship with the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Sustainable Agriculture Program where she compiled a report documenting best practices in Ohio and across the United States addressing healthy food access. This report was utilized by the Ohio Food Policy Council. She also assisted in promoting a new initiative, Ohio Neighborhood Harvest. She is currently working on her dissertation research.
Schupp, J. and R. Som Castellano. "Bursting the Local Foods Bubble? An Examination of Potential Obstacles Facing Food System Localization." Paper presented at the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. August 2010.
Som Castellano, R. "Examining the Immigrant Experience in the School Food Environment." Agriculture, Food and Human Values Conference, Bloomington, IN. June 2010.
To learn more about Rebecca's accomplishments, visit her curriculum vitae.