Time, Space, and Access to Healthy Foods

Mar 21, 2013 (All day)

The Center for Urban and Regional Analysis is pleased to announce that Dr. Michael Widener will be speaking on Thursday, March 21st, at 3:30 PM in Derby Hall 1080.

His talk will explore the usefulness of reframing the food desert concept through a time-geographic lens and will present early findings of his research. Widener’s work was featured recently in The Atlantic Citieshttp://www.theatlanticcities.com/neighborhoods/2013/02/what-food-desert-maps-get-wrong-about-how-people-eat/4741/. More information about the talk can be found on the attached flyer and on our website at http://cura.osu.edu/events/dr-michael-widener-will-deliver-lecture-march-21st

All are welcome to attend!